Teadaolevalt on propaganda ajaloos esimene märkimisväärne inimene Aristoteles (384–322 eKr). Tema jaoks oli veenmise eesmärk arusaamade ja seisukohtade edasiandmine (Pratkanis, Aronson ibid, 13). Aristotelese "Retoorika" on veenmiskunsti klassikaline teos. Selles väidetakse, et veenmine tugineb kolmele sambale: ethos ehk kõneleja isikuomadused; pathos ehk auditooriumi viimine sobivasse emotsionaalsesse seisundisse; logos ehk argumendid ja nendest tuletatud järeldused.
If a person doesn't like middle school students because they are moody, he or she is said to be __________________. Biased Unfair Cruel Stereotyping +
Uncle Sam needs you to fight off the Bullies of the World! What is the propaganda technique used in this statement? Transfer Name-calling + Patriotism Ethos
'Michael Jordan wears Nike shoes and so should you!' Select the right propaganda technique here. Transfer Unfinished comparison Snob appeal Testimonial +
"A survey reveals that 73% of Americans believe that this candidate will do a better job." What is the propaganda technique used here? Facts and figures + Glittering Generalities Logos Pathos
'Get a season's pass to King's Island this year for only $59.95. Don't miss this great opportunity, all of your friends will be getting this deal too.' What is the propaganda technique used here? Pathos Unfinished comparisons Bandwagon + Snob appeal
Buy Coca-Cola now in the new KING size bottle! Pick the correct propaganda technique used in this statement. Testimonial Glittering generalities + Logos Transfer
'No one loves you like your Mom, so give her flowers on Mother's Day.' What is the propaganda technique used here? Ethos Logos Kairos Pathos +
"Anacin: Twice as much of the pain reliever doctors recommend most." Pick the correct propaganda technique used here. Fear Unfinished comparison + Facts and figures Testimonial
'Shouldn't your family be drinking Hawaiian Punch?' What is the propaganda technique used here? Transfer Plain folks Pathos Rhetorical question +
Ladies wear, "Love to Know" Women's Fashions. You'll look and feel like a million dollars. What is the propaganda technique used here? Snob appeal + Pathos Testimonial Bandwagon
'Cascade leaves dishes virtually spotless.' Pick the correct propaganda technique in this statement. Unfinished comparison Testimonial Weasel words + Logos
'Coal is a non-renewable resource; therefore, there is not an infinite supply of coal.' What is the propaganda technique used here? Kairos Logos + Testimonial Transfer
KFC is "finger-licking good." What is the propaganda technique used here? Glittering generalities Weasel words Loaded words + Ehtos
To have a slanted viewpoint towards a particular person, place, thing, or idea is to be ______________. Persuaded Asserted Stereotyped Biased +
Can you name this technique? Patriotism + Fear Pathos Ethos