Terms and conditions


The name, logo and content of propastop.org is protected by copyright. Copyright of the blog content (texts, video and audio material, photos) belongs to the authors of propastop.org.

Texts, images and videos of propastop.org can be mostly used under the Creative Commons licence.

If a user wants to use material that is under Creative Commons-licence, he has to follow the conditions of use: you must give appropriate credit to the author + distribution under the same licence as the original.

References must be made in the form of propastop.org and a direct link must be added to the post.

If the material used in the blog is not licensed under Creative Commons, there is a relevant reference to it. When using these materials, their original conditions of use must be followed. Such materials are, for example, photos or texts where the author has been mentioned by name. These materials must be used only with the consent of the author.

For using propastop.org materials in any other way, permission must be asked via the e-mail: propastop(at)gmail.com

The blog aims to share educational information and provide public access to the information. Propastop.org operates non-commercially, therefore the content of the blog should not be used for commercial purposes.