No, the Baltic nations were not in a “collective security arrangement” prior to NATO

The Warsaw Pact invaded its own members. It is not comparable to NATO as a defence alliance that sovereign states like Estonia chose to join.

6 clichés to avoid when reporting about Estonia

A helpful guide for international journalists writing about Estonia, the “tiny ex-Soviet state” that is neither tiny nor an ex-Soviet state. We’ve included an infographic you can share.

The Russian embassy is increasing Facebook activity

The activity of the Russian embassy in distributing propaganda messages has increased. Posts related to history and Soviet nostalgia are being widely distributed.

Myth breaker 4: The economy of Estonia is in bad shape

In this article, we are rebuking the propaganda media’s widely used incorrect statement, that Estonia is an economically failed state.

Reinsalu’s statement causes a stir in the Kremlin media

The joint statement by the Ministers of Justice of Estonia and Latvia on compensation for losses incurred during the occupation did not find much of a response in the Estonian media. The Russian propaganda media on the other hand responded dramatically. Read more!

Myth breaker 3: Estonians are supposed to be fascists

Today we are going to demolish one of the most fundamental Estonian propaganda myths. How to overturn the claim that Fascism is encouraged in Estonia?

Myth breaker, part 2 : Citizenship

We condemn the misconception that there is extremely difficult criteria setup to obtain citizenship in Estonia or that we restrict granting citizenship to Russian speaking residents.

The fight against being called „a former Soviet Republic“

The ambassadors of the Baltic nations requested at the beginning of September that a French publication cease calling the Baltic countries „former Soviet republics“. The appeal met with an unforeseen painful reaction from the Russian media.