The Pealtnägija (Eyewitness) TV program caused a wave of propaganda

The Pealtnägija story of US Special Forces stationed in Estonia was used to spread one of the Kremlin’s basic propaganda myths.

A memorial erected for an organizer of mass deportations

At the end of September, Arnold Meri, a hero of the USSR and an organizer of the March mass deportations had a monument erected in his memory. Read how the Estonian Russian language media wrote about the event.

Estonian E-state in the clutches of the Kremlin media

So far The Estonian E-state has been discussed very little in the Russian media. Recently the TVC talk show discussed the digital nation, of course thickly in the propaganda channel’s characteristic way. Read about here!

Accusations of falsifying history in the Kremlin media this week

In the beginning of November, the Russian media blamed the Baltic nations of rewriting history. The accusations on this topic were published by RuBaltic as well as shown during a one hour propaganda campaign on the Russian Defence Ministry owned television station Zvezda

Estonian cover girls and boys on Russian TV

Today we offer an overview of the people who are representing Estonia on Russian television channels. At the same time, we are offering an idea on how to find new opinion leaders who are associated with Estonia. Read about it here!

A cemetary in Jõhvi torched a propaganda attack

A cemetery in Estonian town Jõhvi caused lots of discussion on Russian media. This case has become a pretext for blaming Estonians as being Russophobe, minority discriminations, fabricating history and practising fascism.

Corporals Ilves, Laar and Ansip received a medal

Russia’s Ministry of Defence has created a web-based database called “People’s heroics”, that gathers all the people who were awarded in the Red Army during the Second World War. The database was opened in 2015, 70 years after the end of the war, and everyone can do the searches.

Bronze night 10th year anniversary gains momentum

Ten years ago, on 26th of April, massive riots disrupted Tallinn, which is known afterwards as Bronze Night. A memorial of the Second World War, called Bronze Soldier, was removed from the centre of Tallinn to a nearby military cemetery.