Whitelist: quality Russian-language media
Here is the first part of an overview grouping together trustworthy, non-propaganda Russian-language media channels. Share the list with your Russian speaking acquaintances!
Fresh fake news from Latvia and Lithuania
In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about fake news. Estonia has so far not had any serious experiences with fake news in our own language, so we can only read about them through the experiences of other countries. The summer months have seen the topic of fake news arise through the experience of our southern neighbours of Latvia and Lithuania.
Quicker and more actively!
The marching song propaganda attacks were last week. Let us line up a couple of principles that in a similar case would be able to prevent singular news items from growing into media storms.
Will the British study lead to action?
A study commissioned by the British government that became a media flashpoint last week has given an alarming picture of the attitudes of Russian speaking people in Estonia. Read about how the Kremlin propaganda media handles the study.
Who in Estonia should be activating a fact controlling process?
On December 18th the Vikerraadio program Uudis+ (News +) broadcast had the program director Mirk Ojakivi and the CEO of the Estonian Newspaper Association, Mart Raudsaar discussing false news. Mr. Raudsaar put forth the idea that Estonia needs a special unit for fighting false news.
Propaganda in November
Propastop regards November as a rather modest and calm month for ant-Estonian influence activities. Russia remained passive, mostly by the prolongation of familiar propaganda events in various stories on their web of national media channels.
Propaganda in October
Propaganda in October included several analyzes of Russian influence activities, Edward Lucas’s discussion of Russo phobia and a RT advertising campaign on the London Underground as well as the concerned response to it.
Propaganda in September
of Russo phobia, controlling facts, the spread of important false news in newspapers as well as Estonian Russian speaking residents’ reactions to blatant lies in Russian propaganda media.