Review of Russian Propaganda in January 2024

In January 2024, President Zelensky’s visit to the Baltic States took center stage in the geopolitical arena, drawing considerable attention from major Russian propaganda outlets. This compilation unravels the diverse narratives propagated by Russian sources, ranging from accusations of scaremongering to claims of safeguarding Europe from Ukrainian threats.

Kremlin activists ’„Righteous Estonia“ creeps on to the arena

A new information portal in the Estonian, Russian-language information space is gaining attention, the authors are, Klenski, Hantsom, Blintsova and others, which are well known to readers of Propastop.

Russenfrei: a new word in the Kremlin propaganda lexicon

Since December, we have encountered the use of the word russenfrei in propaganda texts concerning Estonia. What is this term?

The Kremlin election compass

Who is in the Kremlin’s favour in the Estonian Parliamentary elections? Which political parties and politicians are under the control of our Eastern neighbours?

Online media small form manual

Special interest group newsletters have been popping up like mushrooms. What does it mean and what can we do to orientate?

Russia-related networks in Estonia Part 2

We drew an Estonian branch to the Kremlin media network diagram. Read more about it!