Connections with FB’s fact checking makes it possible to attack the press

Being a Facebook partner has led to a series of attacks on fact-checkers this spring and has raised the question of whether the press should be a FB fact-checker.

The Kremlin is preparing to restrict Baltic media channels

The Russian Foreign Ministry has been tasked with finding a solution to limit the harmful effects of the media in the Baltic nations and to counter the closure of RT’s channels.

Propaganda dictionary- doxing

Doxing, doxxing, or „dropping docs“, is the collection and publication of information about a person in order to cause him or her inconvenience.

Roman Trofimov is using his notoriety to attack Estonia

Trofimov, who was detained at Manila Airport for more than three months, has continued to maintain his Facebook blog after returning to Estonia. The message of the postings are offensive to Estonia.

Advertisers spent 25 million on anti-coronavirus news sites

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) produces a weekly report that provides an overview of the “contribution” of advertising intermediaries to news portals that distribute anti-coronavirus messages through advertising and money.

Facebook’s boycott campaign sets an example for Estonian companies

The Stop Hate For Profit campaign is putting pressure on Facebook through advertisers to limit the spread of messages that divide society. There is a lesson to be learned from this initiative in fighting the Kremlin’s propaganda channels in Estonia.

Amendments to Latvian law makes it possible to oppose propaganda channels

In mid-June, Latvia amended the Electronic Media Act, adding conditions to be taken into account when granting or revoking a transmission license.

Victory- the Internet Foundation imposed a restriction on Rossija Segodnya’s domains

On June 12, the Estonian Internet Foundation (EISA) imposed restrictions on two domains registered in Estonia in the name of Rossija Segodnya, and