The official arrival of airplane propaganda
At the beginning of April, Propastop wrote about how the airline Volga-Dnepr, which transported protective masks from China to Estonia, was used in propaganda service by the Russian media.
Although it was an ordinary delivery of goods and not an airline or Russian charity to Estonia, it was still presented as such in the media.
Tuesday gave the next chapter and new impetus to this propaganda incident when the Russian embassy in Tallinn published posts in Estonian and Russian on Social Media, highlighting the important contribution of the airlines Volga-Dnepr, Aeroflot and Ikar in combating the coronary pandemic in Estonia.
The embassy’s social media postings have made it clear that “charity” is in fact a propaganda message of the Putin regime, aimed at breaking international isolation, and has been pointed out by several Western publications, such as the BBC, Coda and Foreign Policy.
Photo: excerpt from the Facebook account of the Russian Embassy