How the Russian proxy groups are managed

A study, published by Chatham House describes in detail the goals of Russian soft power, the sources of funding for activities as well as their basic rhetoric.

Reinsalu’s statement causes a stir in the Kremlin media

The joint statement by the Ministers of Justice of Estonia and Latvia on compensation for losses incurred during the occupation did not find much of a response in the Estonian media. The Russian propaganda media on the other hand responded dramatically. Read more!

Is Europe increasing its population by taking Russian children?

Europe has been the victim of a host of Russian propaganda attacks in which countries are accused of deliberately taking the children of Russian citizens away from their homes.

Myth breaker 3: Estonians are supposed to be fascists

Today we are going to demolish one of the most fundamental Estonian propaganda myths. How to overturn the claim that Fascism is encouraged in Estonia?

Propaganda dictionary – counterpropaganda

When speaking about propaganda, the story will include counterpropaganda and its necessity right from the start. There are a number of approaches to counterpropaganda – the narrowest of them considers oppositional or counterpropaganda as a propaganda-responsive activity, always activating after the fact. The more broader approach also includes proactive solutions to counterpropaganda activities, the most important of which is to raise people’s awareness.

Come and fabricate fake news

Dutch researchers and media specialists as well as the University Cambridge cooperated at the beginning of the year by producing the „Bad News“ game which allows you to fabricate and distribute fake news. The simplicity and fun of the game also allows the dissemination of a „vaccine“ against fake news.

An accident with a rocket brought celebrations to the Russian propaganda industry

On Tuesday an accident involving a Spanish jet fighter, which fired a rocket for currently unknown reasons, gave plenty of material to the Russian propaganda industry.

Is an accusative resolution against Estonia developing into a propaganda attack?

The Eesti Päevaleht wrote about a resolution on the European Union of minorities, which gave false accusations against Estonia. Read how far the one sided statements have spread.

The blurry role of journalists in society

In the beginning of the summer their was a sensation in the media and among the journalists which was caused by a pseudo journalist, Vanessa Beeley at the University of Uppsala’s organized summer school on how to cover military conflicts when she tried to spread half truthful propaganda on countries involved in information warfare. During the effects of this incident, ERR journalist Allan Rajavee wrote a story recalling the basics of journalism and half-truths of journalists.