Propastop now available in German!

Do you have German speaking friends or acquaintances who are interested in learning how Estonia protects itself from Information attacks? Send them this new link: – now they can read Propastop in their native language.

Propastop library-Galedotti: Managing Chaos

Marke Galotti, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for International Affairs and Head of the European Security Research Center writes at length about Russia’s ability to manage global influence in the latest issue of the Riigikogu’s (Parliament’s) activities publication.

Twitter bots attack Estonia: truth or false?

Last week, media reports revealed, that in April the identities of dozens of followers in the Twitter accounts of Estonian politicians and opinion leaders are in question. Propastop’s editorial board looked into the doubts in question.

One hundred years of freedom from the Soviet Union?

Rossija 1 reported a fake quote from Donald Trump during the President’s meeting with the Presidents of the Baltic nations. The Russian television channel, Dožd, noted the quote.

Using common sense against fake news

Estonia’s ranked fifth among 35 countries in the index for media literacy and resistance to false information drawn up by the Open Society Institute of Sofia, being the only Eastern European country along side the top cluster of nations.

Propamon: a new robot searching for propaganda

The monitoring robot created by Propastop’s volunteers gives everyone access to Russian media written about Estonia. Find out more!

Propaganda in March

Information warfare and the new advent of the Cold War dominated the topics in March. The case of the Skirpal poisoning and the Cambridge Analytica revelations on the use of Facebook data laid a considerable foundation for the month.