Did a nuclear bomb fall on an apartment building in Lithuania?

One unusual case of falsehood occurred in Lithuania in the middle of June. We decided to write about this content, because similar fake-scandals, concerning the Allied forces, can also come across in Estonia.

A cemetary in Jõhvi torched a propaganda attack

A cemetery in Estonian town Jõhvi caused lots of discussion on Russian media. This case has become a pretext for blaming Estonians as being Russophobe, minority discriminations, fabricating history and practising fascism.

Propaganda in a humorous manner

Propastop decided to celebrate Estonia’s Midsummers day and also our Victory day on 23th of June, with a bit of entertainment. For this reason, we searched the internet to find anecdotes and jokes in Russian.

How a joke on social media turned into an anti-NATO propaganda

Propastop published an article by Urve Eslas in Estonian, which was originally published in English on cepa.org webpage.

Propastop now in Russian!

The main reason for extending the language selection is to provide Russian-speakers living in Estonia with the knowledge of hostile propaganda events in Estonia and to teach readers to recognise the media’s inclination and to analyse manipulations.

Propaganda flies on the media wall

Propastop has written a lot about Russian propaganda channels Sputnik and Baltnews in Estonia and their press-related articles. What is the visibility and reader profile of these pages?

May, propaganda month

Propastop will launch a new section that will be publishing summaries of topics from the previous month, which did not get more comprehensive postings, but, in the editor’s opinion, deserve to be mentioned.

Kiviõli glacier boulder’s saga

Propastop tried to figure out whether the defacement of a memorial stone in Kiviõli (small Estonian town) and the subsequent media coverage was a deliberately prepared information operation. We restored the event timeline and gave a comment based on that.

Springstorm in propaganda spin

Russian news channel Rossija24 published a piece of news in May about Estonian annual military exercises. They put in four minutes’ multiple video clips and comments, which lead to a final old Russian propaganda point – Estonian inhabitants are strictly against NATO and the allied forces.