Propastop now in English

In this week a header script “ENG” appeared at Propastop webpage. The seemingly small supplement is a significant step for the blog.

Urve Eslas: information threads run through Russia and Syria

With the permission of Urve Eslas, Propastop published her article on the news, fake news and Russia’s ties to small Western media portals.

Propastop in the tv-show „Foorum“

On Tuesday evening in ETV (Estonian national public television station) aired tv-show „Foorum“ (a political talk-show), where a Propastop volunteer Andres Lember participated as an expert.

Russian influence activities in Estonian Internal Security Service annual review

Estonian Internal Security Service published their annual review for the year 2016 and Propastop will bring out some sections, that will cover Russian influence activities in Estonia.

Social media manipulators

Some people tend to consider information shared on Facebook or Twitter more truthful than mediated by professional media.

Bronze night 10th year anniversary gains momentum

Ten years ago, on 26th of April, massive riots disrupted Tallinn, which is known afterwards as Bronze Night. A memorial of the Second World War, called Bronze Soldier, was removed from the centre of Tallinn to a nearby military cemetery.

How to translate Estonian Defence League

Propastop volunteers have noticed that translated name Estonian Defence League could give a false impression of the nature of this organisation. For people from countries that have no voluntary national defence tradition, the English name might be associated with nationalist paramilitary militias, that the countrssy does not have control of.